I love wearing my new Heelys to work. I picked this cute pair because I love the "old school" look and they look great with my stylish school spirit wear. I will admit that I like them much better without the wheels, but with the wheels in they are a lot of fun around the house and at the grocery store (while holding on to the cart).
My students gave me some great advice on using Heelys:
1) Start out by holding on to someone or something
2) If you want to stop, just push your toes down
3) Don't bring the wheels to school because it's against the rules
4) If you wear them to the mall you can get your shopping done faster
Log on to http://www.Heelys.com for products, videos and how-to guides. Follow Heelys on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Heelys , Twitter - http://twitter.com/ Heelysworldwide and YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/ Heelysworldwide.
Heelys, Inc. is a company founded on innovation. It designs, markets and distributes its action sports-oriented products to the youth market under the Heelys® brand. The company's primary product, Heelys wheeled footwear, is a patented dual-purpose skate shoe that incorporates a stealth removable wheel in the heel. Its new product, Heelys Hx2, uses two wheels for better balance and control, making it ideal for younger users. Heelys' third offering, Nano, ramps up the Heelys experience by giving skaters a board that links into the patented Heelys shoe bracket. This allows them to skate farther, faster and longer than ever before. Instructional videos on how to get started can be found at http://www.Heelys.com/.
www.heelys.com is the place to go to get your Heelys.
Wear them to work or school, but when you get home pop in the wheels and let the fun begin!
Log on to http://www.Heelys.com for products, videos and how-to guides. Follow Heelys on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Heelys
Heelys, Inc. is a company founded on innovation. It designs, markets and distributes its action sports-oriented products to the youth market under the Heelys® brand. The company's primary product, Heelys wheeled footwear, is a patented dual-purpose skate shoe that incorporates a stealth removable wheel in the heel. Its new product, Heelys Hx2, uses two wheels for better balance and control, making it ideal for younger users. Heelys' third offering, Nano, ramps up the Heelys experience by giving skaters a board that links into the patented Heelys shoe bracket. This allows them to skate farther, faster and longer than ever before. Instructional videos on how to get started can be found at http://www.Heelys.com/.
*All opinions are my own. Received 1 free pair of Heelys in return for blog post/video.
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