Join 1000+ teachers online for an inspirting event showcasing "wow" learning worldwide! Featuring 2 plenaries, 60+ presentations, 11 keynotes, panel discussions, tech/app/lessons swaps, and more! |
I am looking forward to this weekend's Reform Symposium Free Web Conference. It will be 3 days packed with learning and inspiration from the educators from around the world. For more information please follow the #RSCON5 hashtag on Twitter and visit The Future of Education page for a complete listing of sessions, presenters, and times.
I will be doing two sessions plus participating in an app smackdown where I will be talking about Write About This . Here is the information for my sessions:
The Global Classroom Project
When: Friday July 11, 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (central time)
Description: Learn how a great idea and a simple tweet turned into a dynamic network of international educators who collaborate and participate in global projects. This session will highlight some of our projects and how you can get involved.
Tech and App Swapalooza
When: Saturday July 12, 9:00 - 10:00 am (central time)
Desription: Anyone can join in with a 2 minute presentation of their favorite app or web tool.
Reduce the Paper! Student-Created Digital Portfolios
When: Saturday July 12, 10:00 - 10:30 am (central time)
Description: Discover how your students can document their learning and thinking while reducing the amount of paper used in your classroom. Learn how students can create digital portfolios using ipad apps and Kidblog.