Sunday, August 28, 2011
Last post of the summer countdown...
I have enjoyed counting down to the first day of school by sharing what I have learned about the Daily 5, teaching, and technology from my PLN (Personal Learning Network) on My Countdown To... page. But the time has come to retire it for a while. I will continue posting my progress and new discoveries here on my home page. These will be easier to track and for you to make comments on. So without further delay...
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
DFW: Get this *HOT* t-shirt to commemorate our sizzling summer!
It’s hot out there and so is today’s giveaway with Deals in DFW! Be one of the first 1,000 people to “Like” Deals in DFW and commemorate the 2011 summer scorcher with this fun t-shirt. Hurry supplies are limited, Get em’ while it’s HOT! Deals in DFW is a new daily deal site brought to you by the Dallas Morning News. They offer exclusive deals for the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex for 50 - 80% off!
Available to the first 1,000 registrants or while supplies last. Offer valid for Texas residents only. Limit one per person, not valid for previous registrants of You must "Like" Deals in DFW on Facebook before Midnight on August 25, 2011 to be eligible for this offer. Winners will be notified by email no later than August 30, 2011. Please allow 2-3 weeks for shipping and handling.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Perfect Video to Inspire My Class to Read!
The first week of school is well under way and I am in full swing of the Daily 5 introduction. Tonight I was participating in #2ndchat on Twitter and @inspiremind shared this video. What a fun video to show the students as we learn about "Good Fit" books and "Read to Self". I can't wait to show them this tomorrow!
A Four-Year-Old Blog Post
My husband sent me a link to a blog post I wrote exactly 4 years ago on August 24, 2007. At the time, my friends and I all had blogs where we would share family photos and write about our lives. With the advent of Facebook, we eventually abandoned our blogs and joined the millions in Facebookland. For a while there was a trend where we had to write 100 things about ourselves then tag someone else to do the same thing. I remember taking a lot of time to come up with the 100 things about myself and I am please to say that after 4 years there have been very few changes. Below is the original post with the changes and comments in red. I hope this helps know the Frugal Teacher a little better:
1) My husband Preston makes me completely and incandescently happy. Still true
2) My 3 children bless and amaze me daily. Still true
3) I love orange dreamcicles and mashed potatoes with skins and lumps (not at the same time). Discovered mango salsa this summer.
4) I like to have way too many things to do on my to-do list at work.
5) I like to have nothing on my to-do list at home.
6) My church family is very important to me.
7) I currently attend an online college: Ashford University Graduated
8) When I first went to college in 1982 Computer Science was a relatively new major.
9) My favorite musicals include Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond (aaahhh), Grease, Singing in the Rain, Little Shop of Horrors, Fiddler on the Roof, South Pacific, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera.
10) My first concert was in 1973 at the Portland, ME civic center: The Carpenters
11) My favorite concert was in 1985 in the Venetian Room at the Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, with Preston: Kenny Rankin
12) The first song I knew all the words to: Go Away Little Girl by Donny Osmond (aaahhh).
13) Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing
14) Favorite board game: Scrabble
15) I am crafty but I have at least 5 visible scars on my arms and legs from hot glue burns.
16) I can sew and I love making VBS costumes.
17) I love floating in a swimming pool and getting tan.
18) Fall is my favorite season.
19) I like fall floral arrangements.
20) I would like to own a house on the beach.
21) My favorite flowers are yellow roses.
22) I met Preston at Mama's pizza on Camp Bowie. He still has the paper mustache I gave him
23) He took me to my senior prom.
24) I moved to Ocean City, Maryland the day after I graduated from Southwest High School in 1982.
25) I worked at a Natural Foods Juice Bar
26) I have attended these colleges: North Texas, Salisbury(MD) State, McLennan County Community College, University of Connecticut, Tarrant County College, Ashford University.
27) I re-connected with Preston in 1985 - we went on our first date on 6/30
28) We were married eight months later on 2/21/86
29) Places I have lived in this order: Pennsylvania, Maine, Texas, Maryland, Texas, New York, Texas, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Texas.
30) I like to clean.
31) I like to iron.
32) I have never mowed the lawn.
33) I have been to the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.
34) I have been to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York
35) Preston and I used to go to New York City almost every weekend when we lived in Connecticut.
36) I have lived in these types of homes: 2 story federal, 1 1/2 story cape cod, 2 story traditional , room with a bed and a sink, roach infested apartment, basement, bottom floor of a house, 2 bedroom apartment, 2 story house on 2 acres, 2 story house with above ground pool.
37) I would like a one story house with an inground pool.
38) I like to cook, but don't do it very much anymore
39) I have had these jobs: bus girl at Colonial Cafeteria, server at ShowTime Pizza, waitress/cook at a natural foods juice bar, clerk at an insurance company, customer service (insurance), account representative (insurance), insurance agent, daycare provider, pre-school teacher, church custodian, teacher's aid.
40) Preston and I waited 8 years before we had our first child
41) I was blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids for 10 years!
42) Returning to school at age 42 was kind of scary.
43) I would like to have a disco ball in my living room. I have one in my classroom ;-)
44) I can do the Electric Slide, Macarena and Cupid Shuffle.
45) I will break into song at any given moment. The song usually has something to do with the situation.
46) I do not know all of the words to hardly any songs except Go Away Little Girl and Bohemian Rhapsody.
47) I love my parents. My mom is my best friend.
48) I love to go antiquing with my mom.
49) I do not like seeing my parents getting older.
50) My dad is one of the smartest men I know - Preston is the other.
51) I had a happy childhood.
52) I love #2 prencils that are newly sharpened and have a beautiful purple cap eraser.
52) I also like mechanical pencils but won't use the eraser. I use an eraser on a pencil or a pink carnation eraser.
53) I love Sharpies and highlighters.
54) I am left-handed but I iron, throw, and bat right-handed.
55) I do not like white bread.
56) I used to watch the Soprano's but then realized that they were really, really bad people. Same thing happened with Mad Men
57) I think the following couples are similar to Preston and me: Ray and Deborah Romano, Ozzie and Harriet, Bill and Judy Miller (Still Standing), Ozzie and Sharon, George and Wezie (Jefferson).
58) I love Italian Food & Mexican Food
59) I have never watched Survivor
60) I don't like Desperate Housewives (too desperate)
61) I like Grey's Anatomy stopped watching after the 2nd or 3rd season
62) I like the PBS shows where people try to live in another era: Fontier House, 1900 House, Manor House.
63) I like the Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett.
64) I used to think Monty Python was funny, now I do not.
65) I used to read a lot when I was a kid. My favorites were the Little House series, Nancy Drew (I have a collection of the older blue-covered versions.
66) My favorites as a grown-up are John Irving, LaVerle Spencer (drippy love stories) and JK Rowling (I would have like her when I was a kid but she wasn't invented yet).
67) I like all kinds of music.
68) Favorite 20th century composers: Stravinsky, Copeland, Gershwin
69) Have been to these concerts: Carpenters, Journey(opening act: The Babies), Rush, Yes, Joe Jackson, Jethro Tull, Dire Straits, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac,Rolling Stones, Maynard Feruson, Kenny Rankin, Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, George Winston, Beatlemania and some I can't remember =) Went to see Rush again last summer - took the kids.
70) Favorite rock concert movie: Woodstock
71) Favorite scary movie: The Shining
72) First Car: 1976 Chevy Monza
73) Favorite bug: Lady
74) Favorite domestic bird:cardinal; Favorite fancy bird:Peacock; Favorite sea bird:Pelican; favorite woodland animal: chipmunk
75) I was in the Big Red Band from Mighty Rebel Land and we would leave the field whistling Dixie
76) Favorite Friday night Family activity in the Fall: Crowley High School Football Games! Go Eagles!
77) I can whistle through my teeth whenever I say the letter ""S".
78) I can burp really loud.
79) I would like to be a vegetarian but I really enjoy juicy steaks.
80) I love working at Sycamore Elementary School and can't wait until the first day.
81) I really hate cold weather, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so hot.
82) I say "whatever" too much
83) I can't stand when people use "like" every other word, but I know I do it sometimes.
84) I want to speak Spanish fluently and practice every day with my co-workers. Not so much
85) I am looking forward to growing old with Preston.
86) My oldest daughter, Bekah, will graduate from high school in 5 years. She is awesome. She is graduating in May '12 and has started the college application process
87) GP is hilarious. He will be in 6th grade this year. Still hilarious. 10th grade
88) Molly is a piece of "woik". She will be in third grade. Still a piece of "woik" 7th grade
89) Right now, all of the closets in my house are organized except the pantry. not really
90) There are at least 5 houses for sale on our street. We have 5 new neighbors
91) I would like to move closer to my parents.
92) I am currently writing a research paper about bilingual education. I currently work in a school with a large percentage of bilingual students
93) I love to take long, hot baths and drink a glass of wine.
94) I love to get pedicures and fake nails.
95) I wish I would have gone to church when I was a kid.
96) LTC is fun
97) Church camp is fun
98) Bunko is fun - I love all my Bunko gal pals.
99) VBS is fun
100) This activity was fun...tomorrow I will do the laundry.
1) My husband Preston makes me completely and incandescently happy. Still true
2) My 3 children bless and amaze me daily. Still true
3) I love orange dreamcicles and mashed potatoes with skins and lumps (not at the same time). Discovered mango salsa this summer.
4) I like to have way too many things to do on my to-do list at work.
5) I like to have nothing on my to-do list at home.
6) My church family is very important to me.
7) I currently attend an online college: Ashford University Graduated
8) When I first went to college in 1982 Computer Science was a relatively new major.
9) My favorite musicals include Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond (aaahhh), Grease, Singing in the Rain, Little Shop of Horrors, Fiddler on the Roof, South Pacific, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera.
10) My first concert was in 1973 at the Portland, ME civic center: The Carpenters
11) My favorite concert was in 1985 in the Venetian Room at the Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, with Preston: Kenny Rankin
12) The first song I knew all the words to: Go Away Little Girl by Donny Osmond (aaahhh).
13) Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing
14) Favorite board game: Scrabble
15) I am crafty but I have at least 5 visible scars on my arms and legs from hot glue burns.
16) I can sew and I love making VBS costumes.
17) I love floating in a swimming pool and getting tan.
18) Fall is my favorite season.
19) I like fall floral arrangements.
20) I would like to own a house on the beach.
21) My favorite flowers are yellow roses.
22) I met Preston at Mama's pizza on Camp Bowie. He still has the paper mustache I gave him
23) He took me to my senior prom.
24) I moved to Ocean City, Maryland the day after I graduated from Southwest High School in 1982.
25) I worked at a Natural Foods Juice Bar
26) I have attended these colleges: North Texas, Salisbury(MD) State, McLennan County Community College, University of Connecticut, Tarrant County College, Ashford University.
27) I re-connected with Preston in 1985 - we went on our first date on 6/30
28) We were married eight months later on 2/21/86
29) Places I have lived in this order: Pennsylvania, Maine, Texas, Maryland, Texas, New York, Texas, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Texas.
30) I like to clean.
31) I like to iron.
32) I have never mowed the lawn.
33) I have been to the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.
34) I have been to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York
35) Preston and I used to go to New York City almost every weekend when we lived in Connecticut.
36) I have lived in these types of homes: 2 story federal, 1 1/2 story cape cod, 2 story traditional , room with a bed and a sink, roach infested apartment, basement, bottom floor of a house, 2 bedroom apartment, 2 story house on 2 acres, 2 story house with above ground pool.
37) I would like a one story house with an inground pool.
38) I like to cook, but don't do it very much anymore
39) I have had these jobs: bus girl at Colonial Cafeteria, server at ShowTime Pizza, waitress/cook at a natural foods juice bar, clerk at an insurance company, customer service (insurance), account representative (insurance), insurance agent, daycare provider, pre-school teacher, church custodian, teacher's aid.
40) Preston and I waited 8 years before we had our first child
41) I was blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids for 10 years!
42) Returning to school at age 42 was kind of scary.
43) I would like to have a disco ball in my living room. I have one in my classroom ;-)
44) I can do the Electric Slide, Macarena and Cupid Shuffle.
45) I will break into song at any given moment. The song usually has something to do with the situation.
46) I do not know all of the words to hardly any songs except Go Away Little Girl and Bohemian Rhapsody.
47) I love my parents. My mom is my best friend.
48) I love to go antiquing with my mom.
49) I do not like seeing my parents getting older.
50) My dad is one of the smartest men I know - Preston is the other.
51) I had a happy childhood.
52) I love #2 prencils that are newly sharpened and have a beautiful purple cap eraser.
52) I also like mechanical pencils but won't use the eraser. I use an eraser on a pencil or a pink carnation eraser.
53) I love Sharpies and highlighters.
54) I am left-handed but I iron, throw, and bat right-handed.
55) I do not like white bread.
56) I used to watch the Soprano's but then realized that they were really, really bad people. Same thing happened with Mad Men
57) I think the following couples are similar to Preston and me: Ray and Deborah Romano, Ozzie and Harriet, Bill and Judy Miller (Still Standing), Ozzie and Sharon, George and Wezie (Jefferson).
58) I love Italian Food & Mexican Food
59) I have never watched Survivor
60) I don't like Desperate Housewives (too desperate)
61) I like Grey's Anatomy stopped watching after the 2nd or 3rd season
62) I like the PBS shows where people try to live in another era: Fontier House, 1900 House, Manor House.
63) I like the Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett.
64) I used to think Monty Python was funny, now I do not.
65) I used to read a lot when I was a kid. My favorites were the Little House series, Nancy Drew (I have a collection of the older blue-covered versions.
66) My favorites as a grown-up are John Irving, LaVerle Spencer (drippy love stories) and JK Rowling (I would have like her when I was a kid but she wasn't invented yet).
67) I like all kinds of music.
68) Favorite 20th century composers: Stravinsky, Copeland, Gershwin
69) Have been to these concerts: Carpenters, Journey(opening act: The Babies), Rush, Yes, Joe Jackson, Jethro Tull, Dire Straits, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac,Rolling Stones, Maynard Feruson, Kenny Rankin, Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, George Winston, Beatlemania and some I can't remember =) Went to see Rush again last summer - took the kids.
70) Favorite rock concert movie: Woodstock
71) Favorite scary movie: The Shining
72) First Car: 1976 Chevy Monza
73) Favorite bug: Lady
74) Favorite domestic bird:cardinal; Favorite fancy bird:Peacock; Favorite sea bird:Pelican; favorite woodland animal: chipmunk
75) I was in the Big Red Band from Mighty Rebel Land and we would leave the field whistling Dixie
76) Favorite Friday night Family activity in the Fall: Crowley High School Football Games! Go Eagles!
77) I can whistle through my teeth whenever I say the letter ""S".
78) I can burp really loud.
79) I would like to be a vegetarian but I really enjoy juicy steaks.
80) I love working at Sycamore Elementary School and can't wait until the first day.
81) I really hate cold weather, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so hot.
82) I say "whatever" too much
83) I can't stand when people use "like" every other word, but I know I do it sometimes.
84) I want to speak Spanish fluently and practice every day with my co-workers. Not so much
85) I am looking forward to growing old with Preston.
86) My oldest daughter, Bekah, will graduate from high school in 5 years. She is awesome. She is graduating in May '12 and has started the college application process
87) GP is hilarious. He will be in 6th grade this year. Still hilarious. 10th grade
88) Molly is a piece of "woik". She will be in third grade. Still a piece of "woik" 7th grade
89) Right now, all of the closets in my house are organized except the pantry. not really
90) There are at least 5 houses for sale on our street. We have 5 new neighbors
91) I would like to move closer to my parents.
92) I am currently writing a research paper about bilingual education. I currently work in a school with a large percentage of bilingual students
93) I love to take long, hot baths and drink a glass of wine.
94) I love to get pedicures and fake nails.
95) I wish I would have gone to church when I was a kid.
96) LTC is fun
97) Church camp is fun
98) Bunko is fun - I love all my Bunko gal pals.
99) VBS is fun
100) This activity was fun...tomorrow I will do the laundry.
Monday, August 22, 2011
First day of school...welcome to the rest of the year!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Community Generosity
Our "Meet the Teacher" night was last Thursday and I was so pleased that most of my students showed up to meet me. I am very excited about the new year and all of the joys and challenges it will bring.
Our school is a Title 1 school which means that a high percentage of our students live at the poverty level. Some families struggle to buy all of the uniforms and supplies necessary to start the school year. The cost for these items can reach up to $200 (or more) per child. Families with more than one child get hit even harder.
The Miller/Coors Brewery is very close to our school and on the night of "Meet the Teacher" a group of employees brought a GENEROUS donation of school supplies to us! This is so awesome because some of our students will show up to school without their supplies (which makes them feel bad). Now we will be able to provide ALL of our students with everything they need!
Our school is a Title 1 school which means that a high percentage of our students live at the poverty level. Some families struggle to buy all of the uniforms and supplies necessary to start the school year. The cost for these items can reach up to $200 (or more) per child. Families with more than one child get hit even harder.
The Miller/Coors Brewery is very close to our school and on the night of "Meet the Teacher" a group of employees brought a GENEROUS donation of school supplies to us! This is so awesome because some of our students will show up to school without their supplies (which makes them feel bad). Now we will be able to provide ALL of our students with everything they need!
A BIG Thank you to Miller/Coors Brewery
in Fort Worth, Texas!
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Collage created by Ginny Limer (G-Photography) |
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ready for the Daily 5 / Daily CAFE!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
OK, this is better...classroom bliss!
After working another 5 hours today - with the help of my wonderful husband - my room is now ready!
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click HERE to read more... |
"Like" Deals in DFW and Get a $5 Starbucks Gift Card!
Love a good deal? Love Starbucks? Then this offer is just for you! "Like" Deals in DFW on Facebook, and get a free $5 Starbucks gift card! Deals in DFW is a new daily deal site brought to you by the Dallas Morning News.
They offer exclusive deals for the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex for 50 - 80% off!
Hurry! Offer ends at midnight!
Fine Print:
Available for the first 5,000 registrants. Offer valid for Texas residents only. Limit one per person, not valid for previous registrants of You must "Like" Deals in DFW on Facebook before Midnight on August 9, 2011 to be eligible for this offer. Winners will be notified by email August 12, 2011. Starbucks Gift Cards will be mailed out to all eligible registrants during the week of August 22-26, 2011 and will arrive via USPS within 7-10 business days.*Sponsored post
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Early Birds get Starbucks!
Attention early risers! Be one of the first 5000 to sign up for a DFW daily deal site and get a $5 Starbucks gift card!
Meet me here at 6:00 am Tuesday morning (8/9) to find out more!
*This offer is valid for Texas residents only
Meet me here at 6:00 am Tuesday morning (8/9) to find out more!
*This offer is valid for Texas residents only
Eeeek! Classroom Chaos!
My first day back in the classroom is always such a mess!
Does your room look like this on the first day too or is it just me? My kids helped me unload all of the boxes and organize the classroom library, now I just need to go back and finish up tomorrow then I will be ready to start planning an awesome year!
Does your room look like this on the first day too or is it just me? My kids helped me unload all of the boxes and organize the classroom library, now I just need to go back and finish up tomorrow then I will be ready to start planning an awesome year!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Storybird! A great tool for #Daily5 Work on Writing!
During our #Daily5 Twitter Chat last night several teachers suggested using Storybird for the Work on Writing (WoW) component of the Daily 5...CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING....
Friday, August 5, 2011
A Gift for You: $25 Target Gift Card!
I am loving all of the giveaways going on right now! Erin over at Kleinspiration is giving away a $25 Target gift card! Check it out!
$25 Gift Card Giveaway for 200+ Followers!
Florida teacher, Fern Smith, has a lot to celebrate: A new home, 200+ followers, AND some awesome products at Teacher's Notebook. Head on over to her blog for a chance to win a $25 Walgreen's gift card!

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