Saturday, September 29, 2012

Looking for a good read aloud?

My class is participating in the Global Read Aloud 2012. This is a month-long, worldwide project created by a teacher named Pernille Ripp. The purpose of this project is for classes to read the same book and then share their thoughts, ideas, and projects via blogging, Skype, Edmodo, Voicethread and other web 2.0 tools.  My class is part of a K-2 group. We are using blogging, Edmodo, and Skype to discuss and share our thoughts about the book.  We will start reading the book on October 1st and follow a set schedule so everyone will be literally "on the same page". We have selected The One and Only Ivan for our read aloud, but there is another group doing Charlotte's Web. Before we start our reading the students will make predictions. On Friday, I showed the book cover and the students wrote in their journals what they thought the book will be about. They will post their prediction on their blogs on Monday.  As the week progresses, I will create an assignment on Edmodo that they will respond to. I can also create quizzes and polls on Edmodo so I can monitor their comprehension and engagement in the book. We will also Skype with other classrooms and discuss the book.

It's not too late to join in. Check out the Global Read Aloud Wiki and find a class to connect with!

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